Azerbaijan-Israel Innovation Forum Agricuture sector was organized at ADA University.
Within the framework of the event, 8 speakers at the Agriculture panel (Itzik Tzur-Director of Economic
Development Ramat Negev R&D Center, Gilad Dahan-CEO Liba, Piero Tabarani-Business development
and marketing Mishkey Margolin, Izhar Engelhard-IPM and Pollination Specialist Polyam Israel, Sharon
Yehezkely-CEO SupPlant, Yuval Chen-Co-founder Chief Agronomist and CTO Alva-Tech, Ran Weisman,
Division manager-Strategic & International projects Palgey Maim, Ido Hadad-CEO Zeus Artificial
Intelligence, Boris Rozenwald-AgriGo Expert on Dairy Projects AgriGo) agricultural sector held panel
discussions and negotiations
Officials from both countries, representatives of various organizations, business associations, higher
education institutions, experts and businessmen took part in the event.